Boat Hire Locations

Looking to hire a canal boat for a holiday, we have mapped as many Canal Boat Hire companies as we can find on a map so you can look in the area you are interested in and find the local companies.

If you would like to support our map building, please follow this link to buy me a coffee, we are NOT trying to make £££ but a few Caffeine boosts would always help.

Recommended on phone/padGo full screen follow this link

Included in our map are Black Prince Holidays, Anglo Welsh, ABC Boat Hire as well as a lot of other smaller independent hire boat companies.

We have created some interactive maps you can use to find things on the UK river and canal network.

General UK Maps

Canal Ring Maps

Individual Canal Maps

If you would like to support our map building, please follow this link to buy me a coffee, we are NOT trying to make £££ but a few Caffeine boosts would always help.

More points are being added each week, so please come back soon, or feel free to post on our maps Facebook group any places you think we should add.

Note: These are always a work in progress as sites change, we try to keep it as accurate as possible, but coordinates are approximate, services offered change.

River/Canal Route Planning

If you are looking for a canal/river route planner, we recommend Canal Plan, we use it to plan our routes, and then once we have a plan our maps are useful to find what else there is on the way