The Hull Blacking Experiance

We decided we should get the hull blacked, as we did not wish to leave it too long and end up with more problems. I had checked around on the boat forums and Facebook groups so I had an idea of the costs involved.

We had initially planned to get the boat hauled out and do the work ourselves, all part of the boating experience, so we went to the Marina office to ask the costs etc, by the time we left we had decided to let them do everything.

We even went for 3 coats for extra protection. The cost including everything was estimated to be about £1200.00 Inc VAT.

After our chat I was very sure they would do a better job than me, far quicker, and with much less pain and effort on my part. The plan was they would move the boat to the slipway, load her onto a trailer and pull he out to be placed on blocks.

Stripped, ready for painting

After they cleaned up the hull ready for blacking, they noticed some pitting about midway along the hull, nothing major, but would recommend checking carefully next time. A recommendation was to fit some slim extra anodes fore and aft of this area, as you can see below. Fitting these cost an about £275 on the final invoice.

Blacked with extra anodes fitted

All looking good, she is ready to go back in the water

Back on the trailer

Slipped back onto the trailer and heading to the slipway

Back in the water

Now back in the water, it is an impressive trailer

All done with a tractor

As you can see, all done with the trusty aide of a tractor.

The final bill was £1507.70 including the new anodes.

Droitwich Spa Marina did an excellent job as far as we could judge, passing on the notes about pitting gives us more options for when we do this again. I must thank them for all the pictures and care they took with our boat.

The Summer Adventure 2022 Part 6 – Stourport-On-Severn and back to Droitwich Spa Marina

29th – 31st The end of the Stourport Ring

It is odd, apart from some pictures of the Lock 9, Lincomb Lock, We took almost no other picture on this leg of the trip down the Severn and into Worcester and onto the Birmingham and Worcester Canal, it may have been because we have done this bit so many times.

Lincomb lock gates
Lincomb Lock exit

We moored up in Worcester over night and tried to go for breakfast at House of Coffee but due to unforeseen circumstances it was close, so we tried Cafe Rouge, not as interesting, but it did the job. After that we set off up the Birmingham and Worcester Canal.

Nearing the end of that day we did have a little adventure around lock 13 on the canal were a fallen tree had blocked most of the canal, we tried to pass it right to the righthand side and got stuck on the bottom in a sallow area, much heaving with the pole and a few engine revs and we got free.

We then moor up by the the Tibberton Road Bridge, Bridge 25, and had a meal at the “The Bridge” Pub with some other boaters we had been following up the canal.

FEB 2023 Edit – The Bridge Inn at Tibberton has closed, Admiral Taverns are looking for new tenants

Later we sat of the roof of the boat and watched the stars, it is amazing what a few beers will do.

The next day we did the final chug to Droitwich Spa Marina, completing our navigation of the Stourport Ring.

Approx 84 miles and 118 locks if you discount the detour back to Droitwich for repairs, we orders a brass plaque from The Canal Shop to celebrate and other grand holiday on Floydtilla.