Canals and Railway Stations

Lots of railway lines run near the canals as they shared a common problem, Canal don’t like hills and neither did early Railways trains, so there is a tendency to find them following similar routes.

In one of the groups on Facebook it was suggested that we should includes railway stations that are near the canals on our maps. We had used railway stations in the past as good places to meet up with people coming onboard for this very reason, so this started a new set of locations to add to the maps.

So far we have added 290 railway stations that are near enough to the canals to be useful, they have been added to the Everything Map and any other maps of individual canals, I will update the canal rings maps as I get time.

Latest list of canal maps on the site

It has been about 15 months since we started our mapping project, this is not a navigation aid (but it can help), but a what is near me, where is my nearest XXXX map. So if you need to find something, a Shop, Cafe, Pump-out, Moorings etc we may have the answer.

The maps are all free to use but we do use google ads to help cover the costs.

We have lots more in the works, but these are the ones we feel can be used at the moment.

Canal/River Rings

General UK Maps

Individual Canal Maps