October’s 2023 Canal Map Updates

During October we added over 300 new places to our maps, a lot of work goes into making sure we do not duplicate current locations, as many have more that one name depending on who is writing about it so it is hard process to automate.

Everything map

October was made up of roughly

1 – Art Gallery
5 – Cocktail Bars
103 – Pubs/Bars
41 – Coffee Shops/Cafes
5 – Fast food Restaurants
2 – Ice cream Shops
36 – Mooring Locations
3 – Workshops/Repair
3 – Fish Restaurants
73 – Restaurants
13 – Boater Services Points
11 – Visitor Mooring Points

The requirement for these is that they are within easy reach of the canal/river network. During November we hope to reach a total of over 2000 locations mapped in total

New Map – Pubs, Bars, Restaurants, Coffee Shops and Tea rooms

We have new map, while building the other maps, we had found lots of other interesting places, our collection of Pub, Restaurants and Coffee/Tea shops has now reached 500 locations, so here is the first version released.

I suspect we may have missed your favourite Pub, Bar, Restaurant, or coffee shop so please let me know using our online form, please include the name and Postcode or Coordinates or What3words location and we will hunt it down.

This is a totally free to use resource, it does not cost to use or be listed here, it is done out of my interests, and it keeps my mind working  🙂

Maps Growing Fast – Mooring, Pump out, Elsan etc

Our maps are growing fast, we now have 900+ moorings and marinas listed in our first map, and we have also created a new map to the services you need most often like Pump outs, Elsan points, Calor Gas etc.

Click here for the Mooring Map – UK

Click here for the Mooring Map – Scotland

Click here for the Services Map

If you know of a site we are missing, we even have a online form for that, Click here to help us keep everything up to date 🙂