When I say new, I mean new to our maps, I didn’t just dig them… 🙂
We have a few locations mapped on these already, but we will be adding more over the next few months.
When I say new, I mean new to our maps, I didn’t just dig them… 🙂
We have a few locations mapped on these already, but we will be adding more over the next few months.
It has been about 15 months since we started our mapping project, this is not a navigation aid (but it can help), but a what is near me, where is my nearest XXXX map. So if you need to find something, a Shop, Cafe, Pump-out, Moorings etc we may have the answer.
The maps are all free to use but we do use google ads to help cover the costs.
We have lots more in the works, but these are the ones we feel can be used at the moment.
Canal/River Rings
General UK Maps
Individual Canal Maps
Our maps are growing fast, we now have 900+ moorings and marinas listed in our first map, and we have also created a new map to the services you need most often like Pump outs, Elsan points, Calor Gas etc.
Click here for the Mooring Map – UK
Click here for the Mooring Map – Scotland
Click here for the Services Map
If you know of a site we are missing, we even have a online form for that, Click here to help us keep everything up to date 🙂