12th to 19th August Back in Droitwich Spa Marina
On the way back we had to make the obligatory stop at The Queen’s Head for Pizza, we where lucky to get a table, it is very popular in the summer.

While I have all the tools for fixing such eventualities, my hands have suffered over the years and my thumbs are not working very well, so luckily, we had made the acquaintance of Steve Cowham, of STC Marine Engineering, who was happy to do the repairs, and worked very efficiently getting us ready to head out again.

A new Jabsco Par-Max HD4 water pump was ordered from Midland Chandlers, that was a quick couple of hundred pounds, but it arrived the next day as promised.
We even fixed an annoying leak on the top seal of our Calorifier/hot water tank with parts from Screwfix and also replaced a faulty bilge pump.

During this time while Steve and I played with the boat, Sonia and Mary went to Birmingham on the train, and looked around Droitwich.