Tuesday 27th Aug 2024 – The plan today is to get to just above the Tardebigge, so that we could prepare for the 30 narrow locks in just two-and-a-quarter-miles (3.6 km). To get to that point we have a way to go, Approx 14 Miles with an expected time of just over 6 hours according to Canalplan.

We set off well, arriving at the Drawbridge Inn, where we had been to dinner a couple of nights before. The lift bridge here is electric, and Sonia found a young lad, who wanted to help press the button.
We then top up the water at Yardley Wood Water Point which we renamed Bird Drop water point, as a few years ago while filling up with water two small chicks fell, or pushed, from their nest just in-front of us, they unfortunately did not survive.

Then the first tunnel of the day, Brandwood Tunnel, at 322m is one of the shortest today, then we are at Broad Meadow Lane Bridge No 1 this is the location of the Guillotine lock between the North Stratford Canal and the Worcester and Birmingham Canal and was used to protect the precious water flowing from one canal to the other.

At Kings Norton Junction we turn left onto the Worcester and Birmingham Canal , then just before Bridge 66 we can see what looks like a boat coming towards us, but as we come closer we can see she is drifting about.

We manage to get a rope on the bow and pull that in, then another passing boater on Bimble (Stourport on Severn) give the stern a push and and one of them jump aboard and throws Sonia the stern line. With that, we secure the boat, but the tow path is very soft, I suspect it will not hold long.

Next we pass Hopwood House, in the past we have moored here and eaten in the Inn, but not today.

Next we are going through Wast Hill Tunnel. At 2,493 m this will be the longest of the day, this tunnel opened in 1797 and canal boats where still being legged until 1904.
Tunnel no 3 for the day is the Shortwood Tunnel, another short tunnel at 561 m

Finally we come to our forth and final tunnel for today the Tardebigge Tunnel, at 530m. It is a relief to get to the end. We met a few boats in the tunnels today, and it seems almost impossible to judge how far they are away looking at their lights, it is only when you hear their engine and start to see details, you know you are getting closer.

With 3,906 meters of tunnels completed, the three shorter tunnels you can see the far end, but the big one, the Wast Hill Tunnel, is a bit of a monster.

After an eventful chug, 4 tunnels, one lift bridge and a boat adrift, we have made it to just above the Tardebigge Locks opposite Tardebigge Wharf, and it is time to rest and get ready for our lockfest tomorrow.
The Funeral, well unfortunately while we have been away, Sonia’s Dad has passed away, it was not unexpected, but still comes as a shock.
Wednesday 28th Aug 2024 – Today is our very own Lockfest on the Tardebigge Flight. We have been up and down this flight too many times to count, but I believe this is the first time we have done it with just the two of us.

The Tardebigge Lock Flight is the longest flight of locks in the UK, comprising 30 narrow locks on a two-and-a-quarter-mile (3.6 km) stretch of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal. It raises the canal 220 feet (67 m).
I had set the alarm for an early start, we like being first on the flights if we can, some time the locks are all left set for us, but after breakfast we are on our way at 7:10am, our luck is not good as the first 10 or so locks are empty and have to be filled and the first lock is by far the deepest of the flight.

The Tardebigge Reservoir is probably as low as we have ever seen it, not a lot of water left this summer, looking around the fish sites that are normally at the waters edge are high and dry, it would be an impressive cast to hit what is left of the water.
At about lock 15 we start to see boats coming the other way, which is a good sign as they can leave the lock open for us and we can do the same for them.
On the way down we meet our first live user of our mapping project, it was great to meet you.

30 locks and 5 and ½ hours later we are moored outside Queens Head at Stoke Pound Bridge moorings. I think it might be pizza and a beer time.